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Commentary: Conception of Jesus Revealed
According to modern astronomical software, the Star of Bethlehem reached its zenith on June 17th 2 B.C. This was the date Jesus was born. ...
Possible Rapture Dates Revealed
"The Rapture will be the final metamorphous of a believer" First let's start off with the understanding that the Rapture and ...
How All Saints Arrive at Bema Seat at the Same Time Revealed
Most people who have studied Scripture are aware that a person consists of a physical body, an intellect that controls the body, and an immortal ...
Difference Between the Rapture & the Second Coming Revealed
The Rapture takes place at least 7 years before the Second Coming of Christ. The Rapture is the trigger event that causes the 7 year ...
Q&A: How Old Are We Revealed
Question: Science tells me that the universe is 13.7 billion years old, the earth is 4.5 billion years old, man is 200,000 ...
Prophecy in the News: August 2024
The Kansas City Royals have a new ballpark treat. It is a fully loaded hot dog wrapped in a cheese burger quesadilla with a BBQ ...
Christening vs Baptism Revealed
In the time of Jesus, being immersed in water was a ritual purification rite practiced by both Jews as well as pagans. The Jews used ...
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