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Q&A: Virgin Birth

Question: How can Jesus have been born by Mary when she was still a virgin? You have to have a male to create a child. Was this virgin birth just made up so that Jesus would seem to be extra special? And, how could Mary have remained a virgin?

When Adam broke his binding covenant with God by eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, God put a curse on him. Part of this curse was that the male descendants of Adam would now have a genetic induced cognitive disposition to sin. Thus, we are not sinners because we sin, we sin because we are born sinners. This is referred to as Original Sin.

The Messiah or Savior of the world, would be required by God to willingly sacrifice Himself on behalf of all the sins of mankind. To accomplish this, He must first be free from any sin, or what is referred to in the Old Testament as any blemish. So, if Mary had conceived Jesus by way of her husband Joseph, He would have received the sin gene from His father and thus would not be considered by God as unblemished. Mary was informed by the angel at her conception that she would become pregnant by a supernatural act of the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:35). Thus, Mary became pregnant yet remained a virgin. Her conception was supernatural but her birth of Jesus was natural. And, Jesus was thus born, lived and died sin free. We know that His sacrificed was acceptable to God because He raised Him from the dead

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