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Prophecy in the News: January 2023

There were over 40 mass shootings in America during the month of January. In last 8 years the average number in January was 35 but this year it reached an all-time high. Every day 321 people are shot and 112 die. Every day 22 children under the age of 17 are shot and 5 will die.

The power of the Antichrist will control many nations in the Middle East and Europe. It will not control America. However, just as there are thousands of people in the the US that are neo Nazis, have the mark of the swastika and believe in the rise of a 4th Reich, they do not control America. But, they can cause continuous problem concerning law and order. It will be this same way with the Antichrist. He will have devoted and vocal followers in the US who proudly bear his mark and will be determined to gain control over Congress and law enforcement agencies, even if it’s one state at a time.

Stores around the word are installing a system called Facepay. A person scans their purchases while their face is also scanned. The purchase amount is automatically charged to their credit card or debited from their bank account.

Quebec has fined all citizens that are not registered in the mandatory vaccination system. They will not receive a Vaccination Passport that allows a person to enter any business establishment. The fines range from $700 to $1,700 dollars. The employer of an unvaccinated person will be notified and the employee will be put on an unpaid leave of absence until they show proof of having been vaccinated. (CNN 1.12.22)

Elon Musk has developed a chip that can interface with the human brain. The manufacturing company is called Neuralink and will begin testing the chip in June of this year. Assisting the human body by installing computer chips is termed Transhumanism. A person with this implant will eventually be able to, among other things, learn how to create posts on line and experience the ultimate immersive sensations associated with the playing of computer games.

Illegal transactions and the laundering of these ill-gotten gains have become a major issue in protecting US currency. The Government is conducting experiments that will ultimately lead to the introduction of  a national digital currency. It is part of a reset and reshape the world more in line with the United Nations goals they have set for 2030.(Wikipedia “Great Reset”) This plan would create a digital currency and phase out most if not all cash transactions. In this way, the Government will be able to stop all illegal transactions and better monitor its currency usages around the world. It would also help make reporting to the IRS easier and more accurate. 90% of all banks in the world are currently experimenting with the implementation of digital currency.

Pope Francis was asked about homosexual activity and stated that, “… it is a sin (in the eyes of God) but should not be considered punishable by civil laws. This is the first statement of this kind ever issued by a Pope.

A transgender woman in Scotland was found guilty of raping two women and put in a woman’s prison. But she was recently moved to a male prison as she was in transition when he raped the women.

Mars Candy replaced its M&M cartoon characters as they were determined to be non-inclusive. M&M said the “spokescandies had become too “polarizing” for Americans to handle. It turned out people became upset about the candy shoes. The green M&M lost the knee high boots and got flats but the brown M&M went from stilettos to lower heals, the orange character started tying its shoes and the purple one seen as gay was depicted as being obese. M&M stated that the purple character was neither gay nor obese but a peanut M&M. The company decided to make Maya Rudolph the new face that “America can agree on”. Crisis averted!

In the past 4 years there has been a 1,700% rise in children accidently ingesting candy gummies infused with THC from marijuana.

An Arkansas man used a sledgehammer to beak open the Communion table located in a monastery for monks and stole the 1,500 year old Christian relics it contained. He was found along with the relics and arrested.

Ukraine update: Currently, 80% of Russian fighters are prisoners promised freedom if they survive their tour of duty. Prisoners that do not enlist are often executed. (CNN News 1.20.23) Ukrainian forces killed approximately 1,500 prisoner soldiers when they took back the city of Soledar. Iran’s major export is now Killer Drones destined for Russia and to be use against Ukraine. North Korea’s major export is missiles shipped to Russia by way of Russian rail cars. Russia has signed a contract with the transnational criminal Wagner organization to provide a mercenary army of between 40,000 and 50,000 solders.

US manufacturers are finding cleaver ways to sell smaller amounts of products in order to not raise prices. The most common ways are by adding water, putting compressed air into chip bags, using hour glass shaped containers and putting a kick or a bulge in bottom of containers that keep the bottle looking the same size but reduce volume. Call the 800 # listed on the product and tell them how you feel.

Canada announced that they will now allow same sex teams for pairs figure skating and ice dancing competitions.

The average US teen spends 9+ hours each day on their phones. This often causes sleep and mood disorders as well as self-esteem issues. Teens are becoming only interested in screen related activities. The phone’s app designers have sponsored and incorporated scientific research studies conducted by child behavioral psychologists and brain hormones experts. In this way, they intentionally design applications that are proving to be more addictive in adolescents than nicotine or opioids

Star Power Comes to the Earth”. In January, scientists created the first contained burst energy produced by a neutron explosion. The breakthrough was considered astounding as the fuel was water and more energy was released than went into the ignition process. This experiment was attempted 300 times over a 12 year period and finally succeeded. The brief fusion explosion was so powerful that 10 like ignitions per second would provide all the power used in the entire United states. The heat produced was hotter than the center of the sun and 1,000 times more powerful than the entire electrical grid of America. 192 lasers, each 100 yards, long focused on the most perfectly shaped round BB sized pellet ever created. The pellet was then lowered to a temperature of -430 degrees before it was struck by the laser beams. What little radiation produced quickly and harmlessly dissipated. Thirty companies are currently working on ways to create energy using a neutron reactor. It is hope that cheap neutron energy will be commercially available in about 20 years. This technology will almost completely eliminate the need for fossil fuels and be used to create clean electrical energy for home, commercial manufacturing and battery operated car use. (60 Minutes 1.15.2023)  Perhaps this will be the fuel used during the Millennial Reign of Christ? Now back to reality.

The average child in the US is exposed to pornography by the age of 12.

Texas law enforcement officers seized at the border enough fentanyl this year to kill the entire population of the United States.

A green comet was seen in the skies over the southern hemisphere in early January. This comet was last seen 50,000 years ago.

California experienced a 5.4 earthquake New Year’s day. The state has approximately 60+ quakes per day and 21,551 over the past year.

A round table of two noted US Rabbis agreed that the Jewish creed could be generally summed up in these ways, “I am not sure if there is a God, but I will live as if there is one”. And, “Its not about God but trying to be God like”.  Last but not least “Pray as if everything depends on God. Act as if everything depends on you.” (JBS 1.31.23)

Vandals have started randomly shooting at electrical grid junction equipment in order to create chaos and destabilize the US government.

Grade schools are installing red boxes on walls that contain Narcan injections for fentanyl overdoses which were up 130% in schools since 2020. (NBC Nightly News 12.29.22)

Total global military expenditures were $2.1 trillion in 2022, the highest number in the history of mankind. Number one was the US at over $800 billion, next was China followed by India, the UK, and Russia.

Iran sent a team of three professional assassins to kill an Iranian reporter who is seeking asylum in the US. The FBI caught and arrested the men who are currently awaiting trial by the DOJ.

Israel launched a successful drone attack on a military factory in Iran (1.29.2023). The Israeli Prime Minister stated that Israel reserved the right to stop Iran from creating a nuclear bomb. Israel has been responsible for numerous drone attacks over the past years against Iranian facilities that manufacture munitions, missiles, drones and conduct nuclear research. Iran has stated that these attacks have caused little or no damage. But, satellite photos show in each case that the destruction has been significant.

A four star US Airforce general sent a memo on 1.28.23 stating that the US would see combat with China in the next two years. (Reuters)

Radio City Music Hall has installed facial recognition devices to detect any lawyer involved in a current lawsuit against the company. Once detected, security escorts the lawyer out of the building. The law firms have filed a discrimination suit but RCMH stated the ban was legal as they are a private company.

Genetically modified Christmas trees will start to be sold in the Fall of 2023. They have been genetically designed to be insect and drought resistant, grow to 7’ in four years, have a natural perfect shape and a noticeably greater pine smell.

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