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Interesting Facts About Israel

Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East

Israel is the only country in Middle East where Christian population is increasing

Israel absorbs more immigrants per capita than any other country in the world

Israel has won more Nobel Peace Prizes per capita than any other country

Israel is the only country in the world to have more trees than 50 years ago

Israeli babies do not suffer from peanut allegories

Israeli cows produce more milk than cows in any other country in the world

Israeli average life expectancy is among highest in the world at 82 years of age

Israel ranked 11th as the happiest country in the world out of 150 nations

Israel developed the cherry tomato

Israel developed voice mail

Israel developed the desalination process of sea water into fresh water

Israel publishes more books per capita than any other country in the world

Israel has the highest rate of entrepreneurship among women in the world

Israel has the highest number of university degrees per capita in the world

Israel bank notes have braille embossed on them to assist the blind

Microsoft employs more Israelis per capita than anywhere else in the world

Israel has the largest number of migrating birds in the world

Israel has the highest number of museums per capita in the world

Nine out of ten Israeli homes use solar power

The Mount of Olives is the oldest continually used cemetery in world

Israel has more orchestras per capita than any country in the world

Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any country in the world

Israel is largest consumer of fruits and vegetables per capita in the world

Israel's Tel Aviv has the most vegan friendly restaurants in the world

Israel has more computers per capita than any other country in the world

Israel has .o2% of the worlds population, yet 61% of hate crimes are against Jews

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