Q&A: How Do I Spread the Gospel?
Question: I have friends and even family members that I do not think are Christians. I was wondering how to bring up the subject of salvation without looking like one of those holier than thou Christians who wear their beliefs on their sleeve. Don’t want to alienate a friend and become known as that “Christian freak”.
At some point, every Christian has come into contact with a family member, friend or colleague who is not a believer. Sharing the good news with others can at first be difficult. And it can become both more important and more difficult when it involves someone who we have close emotional ties with. The Bible is clear that some people will be offended at hearing the Gospel (Luke 12:51-53). However, Jesus’ last words as He ascended was a command that believers were to share the good news of eternal life. Because there are several easy ways we can do this, there is no excuse not to at least try to insure that those we love obtain eternal life. (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8; I Peter 3:15).
The first thing we can do for a person is to pray for them (II Corinthians 4:4). Also, pray that God will give you the wisdom to realize when the opportunity to speak with them arises, and how best to bring up the subject (James 1:5). This lets God know that you’re worried about them, and want to try and remedy this concern. This also ingrains the idea in your mind that you are, at some point, going to gingerly bring up the subject with them. Jesus would be asked to meet or have dinner with various groups of people. He would then always take the opportunity to tell them a story or parable that would cause them to think about their own lives in relationship to God.
But the experience of sharing the Gospel or good news with others starts with an inner belief that you definitely want to share this information in order to give them the opportunity to receive the greatest gift of all… life after death through faith in Christ. The first step is best stated by the Apostle Paul, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” (Romans 10:17)
In addition to praying and having a clear knowledge of what you believe and why, you should first live a life that shows others that you are a good, honest and caring individual (I Peter 3:1-2). This does not mean that you must walk around looking dire, pious and superior to others. As Christians, we are allowed and even encouraged to go out into a beautiful world and have fun. But it does mean that you are not to gossip, make fun of others, or turn your back on those in need. The biggest fault many Christians have is not showing compassion and love for their fellow man because of socioeconomic, cultural and religious differences.
Ultimately, what you are trying to do is to meet with others and gently plant a seed in a person’s mind concerning the truth of Jesus the Christ as their Saviour. Rarely can one sit down with an unbeliever and in one conversation experience a so called come to Jesus moment with them. But, once you plant the seed, the Holy Spirit will take over and in time cause that person to further explore the idea of putting their faith in Christ. Always keep on mind that it is the power of God through the Holy Spirit that brings spiritual awakening and not solely your efforts.
Bottom line, one day we will all die or be raptured and go to meet with Christ in eternity. It is then that we will reacquaint ourselves with those family members and friends who have gone on before us. Now, just imagine at that time that the person that you caused to have faith in Christ meets with you. There can be no doubt that they will tell you that, above all the things they have ever done and accomplished, the greatest by far was the day that you talked with them about salvation through Christ. Because, it was then that they began a spiritual journey that led to them to acknowledge Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and receive the gift of eternal life. And it was all because you loved them enough to take the bold action of reaching out to them and awaken their spirit that had been lulled asleep by the pleasures of living in a material world.
Because I have studied the Bible and taught classes for over forty five years, I have become known as the “religious guy”. I do not find this title off putting as it has led many to come up to me at social gatherings and whisper, “I have a question about the Bible, religion, Christianity, Jesus, etc. I enjoy giving them a short definitive answer that I know will cause them to think even more on the subject. It’s all about planting seeds and then letting the Holy Spirit do all the heavy lifting.
When I am with friends or even a client, I may look around and notice a family Bible on the hall table. I will remark that it is a wonderful keepsake and full of amazing characters and events. If they ask if I have a favorite, I point to the birth of Jesus and tell them this was the whole purpose of the Bible. If they say why is that? I say, “Because Jesus brought the offer of salvation and eternal life to mankind”. They may ask me how I came to that conclusion and I tell them. Or, they may say “great” and move on. But, I know in my mind that I just planted a seed.
Other times I may remark that current events are both amazing and at the same time troubling. They usually agree and say, “But what can we do?” And I reply that I am not worried because I know how it will all end. They will look surprised and say, “How can you know that?” And I reply, “It’s all in the Bible especially the Books of Daniel and Revelation.” If they ask me to explain I do, and if not, I have still planted a seed.
Once you get comfortable with how to look for and take advantage of an opportunity to broach the subject of the good news to someone, it becomes very easy. As easy as Jesus saying at a gathering, “Would anyone like to hear a great story?”
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