Old Testament
Why Noah Cursed His Step-Grandson Revealed
The story of Noah’s illegitimate grandson begins in the Book of Genesis with the fall of Adam. God allowed Satan to tempt Adam for ...
Secret Code of God Revealed
The Book of Esther is the only Book in the Bible that does not mention the name of God. Martin Luther wanted to exclude it ...
Jacob's Mysterious 'Woman at the Well' Prophecy Revealed
The Woman at the Well event actually begins with an ancient overlooked prophecy in the Book of Genesis. You will only learn about the fruition ...
The Mystery Who Taught Adam to Speak Revealed
Because we take speech for granted, we seldom ask the question when and how did humans began to speak? To fully appreciate the answer, we ...
Daniel's End-Time Prophecy of America Revealed
"Those that do not study the past are doomed to repeat it!" The first question that needs to be asked is, are the ...
The Flood of Noah vs Gilgamesh Epic
Four variations of a worldwide flood have survived the passage of time. In order of their ages there is the Sumerian Flood Story, the Eleventh ...
Giants and Their Genes Revealed
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, Genesis 6:4 Goliath is the best known of all the giants, ...
Why Cain Killed Abel
Hundreds of books have been written in an attempt to solve this mystery. But the answer is simple, straight forward and all the details are ...
Genesis and Encrypted Message in Generations of Adam Revealed
The Book of Genesis gives a listing of all the patriarchs from Adam to Noah. Chapter 6 begins the story of the wickedness of mankind ...
God must have been very pleased with Methuselah as He allowed him to live 969 years. All respected Bible scholars agree that the Old Testament ...