Q&A: Death Before Jesus
Question: I know that when we die we go to heaven because of Jesus. But, where did people go before Jesus died on the cross ...
Q&A: How Many Ways Did God Make Man?
Question: I know God made Adam and Eve from clay. So, is this the only way God made people? God has created mankind in four ...
Q&A Is a Vaccination the Mark of the Beast?
Question: A woman told me in church last Sunday that the Covid vaccination was the Mark of the Beast as written about in Revelation. Is ...
Q&A When Will the Rapture & Tribulation Period Occur?
Question: What is your best guess on when the rapture and tribulation period will occur? First, let’s get the standard prerequisite out of the ...
Q&A: Was Jesus Born to Be the Messiah?
Question: I read or heard that Jesus was born and then lived such a godly life that God decided to make him the messiah. Also, ...
Q&A: Virgin Birth
Question: How can Jesus have been born by Mary when she was still a virgin? You have to have a male to create a child. ...
Q&A: How Old is Mankind?
Question: Science tells me that the universe is 13.7 billion years old, the Earth is 4.5 billion years old, man is 200,000 ...
Q&A: How Does Baptism Work?
Question: I know when I got baptized as a teenager I got saved. But three things. How exactly did I get saved,does a person ...
Q&A: When Was Jesus Born?
Question: Why do so many Bible scholars disagree on when Jesus was born. The range seems to be from 4 BC to 2AD. Some say ...
Q&A: Did Jesus Ever Preach About the Rapture?
Question: I heard one preacher talking about the rapture and only quoting Paul. Then I heard another preacher talking about the rapture and quoting Jesus. ...