Q&A: Death Before Jesus
Question: I know that when we die we go to heaven because of Jesus. But, where did people go before Jesus died on the cross ...
Q&A: Faith in God vs. Science
Question: I have heard a lot about bad or fake science. I thought science was the one nonpartisan thing a person could believe in. Can ...
Christmas Date Made Simple
Question: I read your theory that the Star of Bethlehem was two planets that combined in June 17th of 2 B.C. But, how could ...
Q&A: Will Life on Earth End?
Question: There has been a lot in the news lately about a possible nuclear war in Ukraine that might spread to Europe and America. My ...
Q&A: Did Both Jesus and Paul Preach on the Rapture?
Question: I heard one preacher talking about the rapture and only quoting Paul. Then I heard another preacher talking about the rapture and quoting Jesus. ...
Q&A: Was Jesus Born the Messiah?
Question: I read or heard that Jesus was born and then lived such a Godly life that God decided to make him the messiah. Also, ...
Q&A: Did the Flood Effect the Entire World?
Question: How could the flood of Noah flood the entire world over the top of all mountains. Mount Everest is 35,000 feet high! And ...
Q&A: How to Pray
Question: I’ve never thought I was very good at praying and was wondering is there a good example I can read and become better? ...
Q&A: Are Tattoos Bad?
Question: I am thinking about getting a tattoo but am concerned that it is a bad thing from a biblical point of view. Is that ...
Q&A: Will Life on Earth End?
Question: There has been a lot in the news lately about a possible nuclear war in Ukraine that might spread to Europe and America. My ...